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This is the same tank seen in another photo of Befehlstiger II of s.Pz.Abt. 505. Camouflage patterns match on both the hull and turret. And, furthermore, it has features that match other photos that are indirectly linked; a strange object on the side of the turret bin; helmets and blankets hung on the rear of the bin.
This appears to be the same tank, time and place as another photo. The lighting, the configuration of the tank, and the environment all are similar. Final proof is provided by a patch of mud on the track edge above the second outermost roadwheel.
This photo is published in "Tigers in Combat, Vol. 1" alongside another photo of the same Tiger. A caption states that the photos were taken only minutes apart. But in fact there was a long gap between them, during which this Tiger's camouflage was painted, dramatically changing its appearance - which the book attributes to the sun coming out.
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Tigers in Combat, Vol. 1 ,
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