Thumbnail representation
This is a Befehlstiger marked as "II", as evidenced by the antenna post for an Fu 8 antenna, visible on the hull roof on the right of the photo. The tank has a camouflage pattern, faintly visible along the hull side, but its identifier "II" is painted in a much darker patch, suggesting that it was painted before the camouflage colours.
This photo has a crack or line in the side guard of the driver's visor, a unique feature that we can find in another photo of a Befehlstiger "II", proving that they comprise the same hull and almost certainly the same turret. This photo can also be linked to images of a Befehlstiger "II" that doesn't have the camouflage paint. The bent front mudflap and the broad spare-track bracket are found on the un-camouflaged tank also.
In addition, this is obviously the same tank, time and place as another photo of Tiger "II". The lighting, the configuration of the tank, and the environment all match.
Unique URL
Tiger I on the Eastern Front ,
page 60 top left