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Tiger "I" of s.Pz.Abt.503 is one of the first Befehlstigers ever issued. It sports the new standard turret storage bin, to which the crew have added a custom-made basket frame. The 1.4m antenna of the Fu 8 is fitted on the right side of the hull (in the wrong socket, but it should work) implying that the vehicle is currently a Sd.Kfz.267. The antenna on top of the turret is shorter than standard and may perhaps be broken.
This is clearly the same Tiger as in another photo, with the same rag hanging over the side, etc. We can see that a hole has been cut in the side skirting to serve as a foot niche for people climbing onto the tank. That was a common practice in s.Pz.Abt.503 early in 1943. This hole did not exist in earlier photos.
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