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This photo shows some vehicles on railway wagons, including a Tiger tank. The truck nearest to us is painted with the classic "bow" seen on many Tigers of s.Pz.Abt.505. That suggests who owns the Tiger. Its identifier "III" is typical of the Befehlstigers of the 505th and 503rd.
Sure enough, we find a Befehlstiger in s.Pz.Abt.505 whose turret camouflage matches this photo. But its identifier is "I", and other photos prove that it had been "I" from Summer 1943 through the winter and into 1944. The most likely reason for demoting this tank to "III" is that the battalion acquired two new Befehlstigers on 25 April 1944, and they were assigned the numbers "I" and "II".
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