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With a "I" identifier on the barrel, and a "knight" logo, this must be a Befehlstiger of s.Pz.Abt.505. Another photo with matching paint shows us a flat mantlet with a repair patch, confirming that it's their second Tiger "I", acquired in June 1943.
This is a puzzling photo. The tank is fitted with the Fu 5 and Fu 8 antennas exactly as one would expect of a Befehlstiger. And yet, this and another photo show an S-mine launcher installed on the left hull, where a post for the Fu 7 antenna should be. Possible explanations include;
- The crew installed the launcher, sure that they would never use the Fu 7.
- The tank's original hull was destroyed, so a standard hull was modified to carry the Fu 8 and a Command turret.
- The factory delivered a non-standard Command Tiger.
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