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This "Early" Tiger has had brackets for tools added to its superstructure front. A small handle has been welded to the driver's protective bar. Unditching logs are stored on both hull sides, and tow cables are tucked in behind them.
The fact that the tank's ID number is painted on the gun sleeve suggests that it's in s.Pz.Abt.505. That is confirmed by another photo of this Tiger, with the same camouflage paint and probably parked by the same building, bearing the "knight on horseback" emblem.
We would normally expect a Tiger with the identifier "I" to be the battalion commander's tank. But the crew of this Tiger are apparently all in the photo, and the highest rank seems to be Oberfeldwebel. This agrees with other evidence suggesting that Tiger "II" is the commander's tank at this time (early 1944).
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