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The crew examine the rear decking of Tiger 131. At the right, a crewman has left the fire extinguisher resting on some spare track links. The angular slotted exhaust shields were used only in s.Pz.Abt.501.
Identifying this Tiger takes some work. We can see only that its tactical number begins with either "12" or "13", so there are 4 candidates. We can rule out Tiger "122" whose exhaust shields have 4 slots, not 3. We can see the open clips of the holder for the fire extinguisher at the right of the photo; because of their position we know that this tank has the 32mm tow cable, therefore it's not "132". Finally, a close study of how the artist drew the digits "2" and "3" reveals that it should be Tiger "131". But the sharp-edged exhaust shields don't match a known photo of Tiger "131".
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