About this detail of the Tiger
The elevation gearbox in a Late Tiger was bolted to a trestle structure at the forward right of the turret. This trestle was solidly fixed to the turret ring cover and the wall.
This photo shows the top of the trestle, seen from behind. Six bolts attach it to the wall, and four to the turret ring.
This is the lower part of the trestle (the green paint is not original). Its first purpose is to hold the elevation gearbox, on the left of the photo. But it also supported the loader's folding seat, attached at the two holes nearest to us. And, as you can see at the bottom of the photo, it was fixed to the end of the crossbar.
This is the front side of the trestle, as seen by the radio operator in the hull. The trestle extends below the turret ring and is visible from outside of the turret. As you can see in this blogger's photo, the kit has an empty space there. You can improve the Hachette Tiger Tank's accuracy by adding the trestle.