About this detail of the Tiger
The kit's decals have an option for a Tiger "1311". This is a Tiger of LSSAH, originally numbered "411" and later numbered "1315". It is well-known from photos.
But this kit does not build Tiger "1311" accurately. It has the wrong type of side skirts.
Tiger "1311" had the 2nd type of skirting. The four segments have no end panels, they form a slightly bent line, and most significant : they are not all the same length. Compare the two segments arrowed in this photo.
There are a couple of other differences between "1311" and the kit, but they can easily be fixed. The real tank didn't have the sealing plate (part A20). It never had exhaust shields, so these 16 bumps should be removed from the kit's rear wall. The layout of the track cable on the left side was somewhat different to the kit's cable. And Tiger "1311" had five long segments of its cleaning brush handle.
Fixing the side skirts would be a major change, affecting the hull side panels as well as the skirts themselves.