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Allied troops found this Tiger in Sicily in August 1943. The presence of spare tracks on the turret tells us that it is one of the reinforcements sent in the summer, which brought the number of Tigers on the island to 17. Only a small number of Tigers were built with three links on the right turret side.
The white area in the middle of the wreck, and the soot-blacked areas elsewhere, are the result of a fire. The seperation of the turret from the hull, and the distortion of the hull roof, indicate an internal explosion. It blew away the engine hatch and flipped up the turret bin.
The location of this photo is known locally to be the Via Armando Diaz. The road has now been redeveloped with modern housing, but the two gates near the road junction at the right of the photo are still in place, allowing us to say which garden the Tiger is in.
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