Thumbnail representation
The antenna post on the left hull roof marks this as an Early Befehlstiger. The running gear is in transport mode and the side skirts are removed. Wooden beams placed on top will be useful to secure the tank on a railway wagon. The Balkenkreuz on the hull side is interesting; it was apparently painted while the side skirts were absent, which allowed it to be placed low down. Then the skirts were bolted on, and then more paint was applied to the tank; or at least, it's hard to think of any other reason why the top portion of the cross would be overpainted now.
This is the same tank, time and place as in another photo. The turret identity symbol is identical, and a similar vertical white mark is on the gun sleeve. Both tanks are Befehlstigers with the unusual "thick wide" mantlet.
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Tiger I on the Eastern Front ,
page 58