The kit provides decals and paint plans for six different Tigers. My thoughts on each are as follows:
Tiger 114
This Tiger's unit is not stated in the instructions. But the photographic record contains only one Tiger with markings similar to the decals. This real Tiger 114 (and several other Tigers) belonged to the army of Hungary.
Tiger 114 had the large-sized muzzle brake, and its turret had the 25mm-thick roof. These details are not provided in the kit. The tank had a mantlet with two eye holes, which this kit does include.
Photographs show a very subtle camouflage overspray on its "Dunkelgelb" base coat. The font of the number "114" does not exactly match the kit's decals.
Tiger 312
Tiger "312" of s.Pz.Abt.505 had the high-contrast camouflage scheme typical of that unit. Its turret roof was the 40mm type, but it did not have the three crane mounts ("Pilze") that are on this kit's roof. It had the larger size of muzzle brake, which again is not part of this kit.
Tiger 132
I don't have full photo coverage of this Tiger, but as far as I can see, it matches the kit and the decals.
Tiger 233
This Tiger's unit is not stated in the instructions, but the placement of its number is unique to s.Pz.Abt.510. Only a single photo of this Tiger is known to me, and it seems to match the kit's features.
Normandy, June 1944
This Tiger's unit is not stated in the instructions, and I have not yet discovered it.
June 1944
This Tiger bears no markings but the Balkenkreuz. Its unit is not stated in the instructions, and I have not yet discovered it.