The Tiger had a track-pulling cable stored on its left hull wall, in a number of clips. The layout and position of these clips was changed a few times, settling down to a final version in Autumn 1943.
The Fehrmann Tigers had the same layout for these clips that is today preserved on Tiger "131" at the Tank Museum. Indeed, most "Early" Tigers and the first "Mid" Tigers used this layout. Here is the rear side of Tiger "F02" of Gruppe Fehrmann. As I point out, the final two storage clips are much farther apart than the penultimate pair, so the two ends of the cable will be splayed apart.
But Takom have used a different layout on their kit. They have the ends of the cable lying parallel, because the pairs of clips are equally spaced.
This is actually a real layout, and it was present on Tigers built at the end of 1942. But the Gruppe Fehrmann Tigers appear to be later versions. In every photo that I can find, they have the other layout.