About this detail of the Tiger
The front hull walls of the Tiger were redesigned in late 1942. The old design, marked here as "1", was cut close to the hull, and the hole for the towing shackle was not well positioned. The new design, marked "2", projected out and made the towing hole easy to use.
Both of these parts are provided in Rye Field Model's "Eastern Front Tiger" but you are not told how to use them. In fact, you need the old type, "1", for Tiger 314 only. The other four Tigers on the kit's decal sheet used the extended type, "2".
If you do use the old version of this part, there is a change that you should make. At the top front of each side panel there is a small notch, indicated here. This is correct for Rye Field's previous Tiger kit, but not for RM5003. There should be no notch. The corner should be rounded, similar to the other version of this part.