About this detail of the Tiger
The Tiger had many items of combat equipment stored inside its turret. For the first half of Tiger production, they were stored in boxes and hangers on the turret inside walls. But about November 1943 the layout was simplified. Open bins were put on the turret ring, with some items stored loose inside them, and others in boxes or holders there. The turret walls were now bare.
This is the bin at the rear of the turret. It has an open box for a set of headphones and microphones, plus holders for four periscopes.
This is how the periscopes fit in the holders.
The bin at the right side of the turret contained another headphone box, and holders for two spare vision blocks for the ports in the wall.
Rye Field's kit has photo-etch parts for these two bins. But it lacks the boxes and holders.
Another item stored in the turret was MG ammunition bags. They were hung from the side bin, as shown here. Rye Field's kit has the bags (part M8) but the instructions don't mention them.