A cable was stored on the left side wall of most Tigers. Clips held it there.
This kit from Border provides a plastic cable with portions of the clips molded into it. There are some small clip parts to be added, and also some portions of the clips are molded into Border's side wall. That is perhaps a bad idea, because the layout of the cable was changed a few times. In any case, Border's cable has two accuracy problems.
Firstly, Border's cable is too short. In this image I compare it against a real Tiger. On the left of the image, Border's clips line up with the real ones, but on the right side the whole cable falls short and the clips are out of place.
Secondly, Border's cable does not have the correct layout for these Kharkov Tigers. This photo shows the typical layout of the time: the ends of the cable are close together and they extend beyond the central loop. Border's part looks very different here. The reason is, they reused an existing part from an old kit instead of creating an accurate "Kharkov" cable for this kit.
Strangely, the artwork of this kit shows the correct Kharkov-era cable with the correct length. The box does not contain what the lid shows.