The Tiger had a brush for cleaning inside its gun. The handle was very long and it unscrewed into segments. They were stored on the hull roof. At first the handle broke into 5 segments. But in January 1943, it was changed to 6 shorter segments, adding up to the same length.
Border's kit has decals for three Tigers. Two of them require the 5-segment brush, and the other (Tiger 423) had the 6-segment brush. It would be helpful if the kit were to provide both versions.
But instead of 5 long or 6 short segments, this kit provides 5 short segments. These don't add up to a full handle.
The Tigers with a 5-segment brush had these brackets on the left hull roof. They have room for only two segments of the handle. On the right side of the hull, the brackets were longer and could hold 3 segments. Border's brackets are all the long version. Therefore, Border's kit builds a Tiger with a 6 segment brush that has lost one of its segments. The kit does not support two of its own decal options, which need longer segments with the brackets to be farther apart than this.