A cable was stored on the left side wall of most Tigers. Clips held it there, and the arrangement of those clips was changed a few times, especially in the first months of Tiger production.
This kit from Border provides a plastic cable with portions of the clips molded into it. There are some small clip parts to be added, and also some portions of the clips are molded into Border's side wall. That is perhaps a bad idea, because the layout of the cable was changed a few times. Border's cable has a layout that is not correct for some of the kit's decals.
Here, for example, is a real Tiger that this kit supposedly builds. The rear ends of its cable are not laid out similar to Border's part. You could perhaps cut the plastic and rearrange it to look more like this.
But there is another problem with the kit's cable that is not easy to fix. It is significantly too short. In these images, I place Tiger "131" alongside Border's kit. The front ends of the cables do match up, but not the rear.
Border have put the storage clips too close together. Some of their clips match the real ones, as I point out, and some don't. The real cable extends near to the edge of the wall, but Border's cable falls far short.