About this detail of the Tiger
The kit's decals have an option for a Tiger "101". This is not a Kursk Tiger. It's one of the many "Early" Tigers operated by the 502nd near Leningrad. Its whitewash is in contrast to the greenish schemes on the kit's paint guide.
But Tiger 101 is not the same version of tank that this kit builds. As this photo shows, it had spare tracks mounted on the turret sides. It was built in April 1943 or later, while Border's kit builds a January Tiger.
I don't believe that spare track mounts (upper and lower) are included in the Border kit. But even if you were to add them, there are other changes between the kit and Tiger 101. One change is the rear central panel on the engine decking; the kit doesn't have the appropriate version. Another change is visible in the photo; Tiger 101 had a loader's periscope.