About this detail of the Tiger
The Tiger's idler wheel, at the rear of the tank, served an important purpose besides pushing the vehicle along. The tension of the track was adjusted by moving this wheel, which was mounted on a short arm.
By opening a port on the rear wall and adjusting a long bolt inside the Tiger, you could move an idler wheel a short distance forward and backward from its default position, to put the track in the correct tightness. If the arm didn't move far enough to solve your track's problem, you would have to break the track and add or remove a link.
Most modern Tiger kits provide a scaled-down arm for the idler wheel, and allow you to fix it in a chosen position to set the track tension on your model. Academy, however, do not have that feature in this kit.
This is the Academy hull. The arm is represented crudely, molded onto the hull in a fixed position. It is much shorter than a real Tiger arm, and as a result Academy's idler wheel sits too high on the tank.