About this detail of the Tiger
The Tiger (P) had a cupola with a one-piece hatch that opened to the right. At first, the cupola had a welded L-shaped bracket to support the open hatch in the horizontal position. But this was soon replaced by an arm that rose above the cupola and held the hatch in a more upright position, easier to close.
Amusing Hobby have provided the later version of the cupola arm. But when we compare their kit to a real cupola, it is clear that their part is too long. You should cut a little off the bottom end of it, where I indicated.
This is a real Tiger (H) cupola. Notice that the bend in the arm coincides with the edge of the cupola. Amusing Hobby's part places it too high.
The Tiger (H) had a latch on the hatch that would lock it to this arm, but I can't see a latch in any photos of the Tiger (P).