During the "Early Tiger" period (into which this model kit is promised to fall) a new feature was added to the Tiger. Holders for spare tracks were put on its turret. This model's "test shot" offers track holders as an option. There were eight holders at first, but very soon the number was reduced to seven. The kit's preview sprues helpfully provide the full eight.
Here are some real examples of track holders. Note that : the track links are not connected ; the guide horns of the track are at the lower end. This is always the correct way around.
This is a side profile of the flap that holds the top of the track link. It's based on an original German drawing. The flap is hinged and can be raised to release the track link. To lock it in this "closed" position, a U-shaped bar is inserted.
In the locked position, the base of the flap is horizontal.
The U-bar stands up at 45 degrees when inserted (the German diagram is quite clear on this point).
The preview "test shot" uses single parts to represent the flap and U-bar combined. But the part is apparently misshapen. Its flap has almost no taper, its U-bar is at less than 45 degrees, and its hinge is proportionally larger than the real one. The U-bar isn't exactly aligned to the center of the hinge.
As a result, the model flap must be tilted down in order to put the U-bar at its normal height. Here, in the "test shot", the flaps are nowhere near the horizontal.
If you need to correct this in the final release, remember to also move the post that holds the lower end of each track link, because the entire link will have to move upward.